
Orb reader palama earwin
Orb reader palama earwin

He didn’t know who had passed away, but he saw the (dead) neighbor outside the front door across the street," she said. He told me the next morning that he had gotten up in the middle of the night and looked out the window. He also witnessed unidentified flying objects as a child, and more recently told his wife of a ghost sighting similar to the one described in Hashimoto’s winning entry. Mundy claims the fizzling orb was communicating with him somehow. Once during a thunderstorm, ball lightning - an unexplained natural phenomenon - hovered near his crib, an incident corroborated by his parents. Even as an infant in the Midwest, he seemed to attract paranormal activity. Her husband, George Mundy, is a self-employed electrical engineer who has designed and built instruments for the Grateful Dead and other bands. He’s a special person," said Hashimoto, 62, a Kalihi resident who is a grants assistant at Bishop Museum. She found it at home in her husband, whose real-life supernatural experiences were the basis for "My Ghost Story." 0f) // ORB has only a(size), b(angle)Ĭircle(in_img, center, in_keypoint.Shar Hashimoto didn’t need to look far for inspiration for her spooky entry in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s Second Annual Halloween Fiction Contest. void circle(Mat& in_img, Point center, int radius, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)Ĭircle(in_img, center, 0, Scalar( 0, 255, 0), 2, CV_AA) // Point INS_KP curr_kp = ĭraw_a_feat(in_img, curr_kp, draw_mode, normpoint) įloat orb::draw_a_feat(Mat& in_img, INS_KP in_keypoint, int draw_mode, bool normpoint) importKeypoints(feat_path, binary) įor ( int kp_idx = 0 kp_idx < num_kp kp_idx++) Void orb::draw_feats(Mat& in_img, const string& feat_path, int draw_mode, int colorspace, bool normpoint, bool binary) size() kp_idx++)ĭraw_a_feat(in_img, in_keypoints, draw_mode, normpoint) Void orb::draw_feats( const string& in_img_path, const string& out_img_path, const vector& in_keypoints, int draw_mode, int colorspace, bool normpoint)įor ( size_t kp_idx = 0 kp_idx < in_keypoints. c_str()) ĭraw_feats(in_img, feat_path, draw_mode, colorspace, normpoint, binary) Void orb::draw_feats( const string& in_img_path, const string& out_img_path, const string& feat_path, int draw_mode, int colorspace, bool normpoint, bool binary) Uchar* cv_descriptors_ptr = (uchar*)cv_descriptors. uchar* cv_descriptors_ptr = cv_descriptors.ptr(0) Orb_obj-> compute(image, cv_keypoints, cv_descriptors) rgb2lab(in, in, in, Lv, av, bv) įAST(image, cv_keypoints, fastThreshold, true) Make gray from L channel from OpenCV Lab Put header "x y a b c" and "all dimensions" num_kp * (HEADSIZE * sizeof(kp) + D * sizeof(desc)) sizeof(width) + sizeof(height) + sizeof(dim) + sizeof(num_kp) + Num_kp * (ORB_HEADSIZE * sizeof( float) + ORB_D * sizeof( float)) // Data size Size_t buffer_size = sizeof( int) * 4 + // Header size Void orb::exportKeypoints( const string& out, bool isBinary) Void orb::init( int Colorspace, bool isNormalizePt, bool isCheckFile) Init(Colorspace, isNormalizePt, isCheckFile) Orb::orb( int Colorspace, bool isNormalizePt, bool isCheckFile) # include "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp "

Orb reader palama earwin